Retro living

We just got cheese ^_^

My interest in vintage/history clothes comes from a desire to live in a different world. Not that the past was better - most women, non-white British people, or people with health problems can tell you that. But it's a form of make believe, a way of embodying the values we associate with a particular era, and so on. While some people are mostly into sewing, I've always been interested in historic lifestyles more holistically (The Chrismans and the Time Warp Wives are among my heroes)

History dressmaking can be a great way to learn about the past, but there's often an interesting tension too with it as a hobby. The tug between spending more for an accurate fabric, or reusing and spending less which is more accurate to how our ancestors actually sewed - both are experiments in historic accuracy, which will teach us different things.

Anyway, this was called back to mind vividly just now as I was browsing 40s fashions online, and heard a knock at the door. I leant my upstairs neighbour some chairs for a very noisy party; and as a thank you, just now they brought us down a whole bag full of leftover wine and cheese and meat. It's been a while since we've been able to afford fancy cheese. Me and my partner sorted through the bag cooing, massive smiles because goodness knows when the next time we are going to get anything but the basics.

It occurred to me with a horribly vivid clarity that this is likely to be the most retro moment of my week.


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